Birding Big Day is coming up on 24 November 2012 | WESSA Share-Net Share-Net is offering four resWESSA Share-Net is offering four resources to support your ‘birding activities’ 24 November 2012

Birding Big Day is coming up on 24 November!

Birds are the most studied, the most easily seen and accessible, the most melodious and many think, the most beautiful animals on Earth. In celebration of Birding Big Day on Saturday, 24 November, WESSA Share-Net is offering four resources to support your ‘birding activities’! 
j A Beginners Guide to Owls, written and compiled by Geoff Lockwood includes Owls and People; Life of Owls; Owls as Predators; Detailed information on Barn Owls, Grass Owls, Wood Owls, Marsh Owls, African Scops Owl, Whitefaced Owl, Pearlspotted Owl, Barred Owl, Cape Eagle Owl, Spotted Eagle Owl, Giant Eagle Owl and the Pels Fishing Owl; Finding Owls; Attracting Owls; and, Owl Projects.

k How To …. Build an Owl Box. This “How To” pamphlet gives detailed instructions on building both Spottled Eagle Owl and Barn Owl nesting boxes.
envirokids birds.jpg

l EnviroKids magazine on African Birds – articles include Birds in our lives, Bird basics, Beaks and feet tell a story,
Our special birds, Saving Wattled Cranes, Bird record holders, and the Secret life of PCGs.

m Three comprehensive school lesson plans, with a Natural Science focus, on ‘Birds of Prey.

For the month of November only, you can purchase this pack of four resources for R25.
For more details or to place your order, please contact WESSA Share-Net, PO Box 394, Howick 3290.
Tel (033) 330 3931 ext 2124/2144, e-mail or


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