Tree labeling | First of the series in tree labeling along the north bank of the uMngeni Estuary | 27 July 2013

 First of the series in tree labeling along the north bank of the uMngeni Estuary | 27 July 2013


I have deceived a little with these first two pictures taken a short way up the hill from the river.  The vervets are in our garden most early mornings en route to foraging elsewhere. A popular stop over is the flowering Erythrina caffra.  The flowers are inspected for abundance of nectar, sucked from the ends, and then discarded. There are many specimens in flower along the river at present, but the monkeys do not cross Riverside Road; they seem quite aware of no-go areas be it due to human animosity or other dangers.

Amanda Jones and Kerry-Leigh Rieckardt 
                           Cussonia sphaerocephala, Cabbage Tree,  Boskiepersol or Umsenge.

Cussonia sphaerocephala is a member of the Araliaceae family.
Next up was the Acacia robusta 
See our earlier post on the Acacia renaming debacle.  Check the awesome label with Metro and WESSA icons!

Searsia chirindensis on the river bank. 
Searsia chirindensis  is a pioneer which self seeds easily.  Always recognised as Searsia from  its trifoliate leaves.
Ficus lutea and adjacent Phoenix reclinata

Mel, Iain Evans and son, and Amanda, attaching a Brachlaena discolor tag
Rosemary Harrison on the trail and flowering Brachylaena discolor
River view, end of first session.


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