Scrap metal diggers leave a dangerous huge hole on the Trail path

Lindelani and Margaret viewthe damage

digging took place on the steep bank

Lindelani called me on Thursday (26th May) to say there is a huge hole on the path.  By the time we returned to the river the scrap metal diggers had vanished but left the hole on the path as you can see in the pictures (and the pipe was still there!).  This is going to take quite an effort to fix and certainly to make the soil hard again.  The hole is close to the Browns Drift section on a steep part of the bank unfortunately creating a slide of soil down the bank in to the river.

I saw Joseph one of our eco tourism guides on the river this afternoon and said I would email a picture through so that hopefully it can get fixed and no injuries take place.  I do think that most walkers /  riders are cautious in this sectiont


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