uMngeni River north bank walk Connaught to Foot Bridge Springfield and back to Windsor

Fishermen Ahoy!

Heron and Syringa (Melia azederach) ringbarked during invasive alien plant control south bank of the uMngeni

Crocodile trap

Sakhile Radebe from the DUCT team on his day off fishing

Another fisherman

Homestead and church of note, belonging to an extremely creative individual

Crocodile and rubbish floating down the uMngeni River

Subsistence fishing with illegal cast net

Three herons

Thick-billed Weaver nests in the reeds

Large family of White-faced Whistling-duck and solitary Blacksmith Lapwing

Water Dikkop, Burhinus vermiculatus 

Heron in flight mode

Open waters

Windsor Golf course, south bank
Bill Fereday, a member of the Umgeni Estuary Conservancy led the guided walk from the Durban Green Hub, Blue Lagoon, along the north bank of the uMngeni River and back to the Hub along the siouth bank, crossing the uMngeni River at the foot bridge in Springfield, and also took the pictures.


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