Walking for Water | Source to Sea | Umgeni Vlei at Impendle to Umgeni Estuary at the Indian Ocean

Walking for Water

The Duzi Umgeni Conservation Trust (DUCT), whose mission is to champion the health of the uMngeni and uMsunduzi Rivers, is planning an epic walk down the length of the uMngeni River, from source to sea.
The aim of the walk is
  • to raise awareness of the plight of this and all South African rivers.
  • to familiarise DUCT with the entire river. The majority of the work we do is in the Howick area, the Valley of 1000 hills and the uMsunduzi river in the Pietermaritzburg area.
A small group of environmentalists passionate about our planet, and particularly water, are walking the uMngeni River in May 2012.  Starting at uMngeni Vlei – the plateau above Dargle and Fort Nottingham where the river rises – and ending at Blue Lagoon where is rushes into the Indian Ocean. Along the way they will be documenting and recording all impacts on the river and posting daily stories of their adventures and findings on this blog.

Penny Rees is coordinator of this event. Should you wish to offer assistance or sponsorship for this project, contact her on 082 340 7571, 033 330 7524 or pennyduct@vodamail.co.za For more information about DUCT activities see http://www.duct.org.za



Howick Falls - picture taken by Pieter Burger from the Umgeni Valley Reserve belonging to WESSA, The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa


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